Crystal healing history is far older and more complex than people think. While crystal healing may seem like a “new age” thing, civilizations have used it for centuries to help with physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental concerns.
When used correctly, crystals can be incredibly powerful tools, and the knowledge gained from knowing the history behind crystal healing is irreplaceable. bluequeencrystal has the information you need to start your own crystal healing practice and use it the most effectively.
Add Your HeadHow Far Back Does Crystal Healing History Go?
It can be hard to figure out when a certain cultural event happened because it is one of the more difficult parts of history. Most things in history may have started in more than one country around the same time. This is also true for crystal healing.
History artifacts and documents are what we need to help us go back as far as possible in time. People in Mesopotamia, specifically the Sumerians, used crystals in their magic, so they may be the first people in history to talk about their use. Baltic amber pendants have been around for 60,000 years.
But the ancient Egyptians are the first people whose history has been written down. The Egyptians used crystals in almost every part of their lives. For example, they were one of the first people to use ground crystals as eyeshadow.
What really makes them different, though, is how they use crystals in different ways to heal. The stories from ancient Egypt often talked about lapis lazuli, emerald, carnelian, clear quartz, and turquoise.
The Greeks were also very good at healing with crystals. They were some of the first people to give crystals specific meanings and use them in that way. Amethyst is a great example of this because it was used to make amulets that were meant to help people who were drunk or had hangovers. In fact, the word "amethyst" comes from a Greek word that means "not drunk." Crystals, especially hematite, which the Greeks linked to Ares, the god of war, were carried by both sailors and soldiers as a way to stay safe.
They were also among the first people to use crystals for healing. They mostly used jade, but they also used it in other ways, like as jewelry, talismans, musical instruments, masks, and to heal the kidneys.
When Did Modern Crystal Healing History Start?
It's interesting to learn about how crystals were used for healing in the past, but when did the more modern uses that we know of today start to become popular?
The history of modern crystal healing really took off in the late 1970s and early 1980s, around the same time that "new-age" culture did. In the past, people worshiped crystals as part of their religion. Today, crystal healing can be done without any religious background at all.
That way, anyone can use crystals without having to follow a certain set of beliefs. Astrology is getting a lot of attention again because of the new age movement, so this fits in well with that.
A lot of the history of crystal healing today is based on information that was passed down from older practices that were not religious. The only difference between how our ancestors did things and how we do them now is that we have better access to technology. It is now much easier to buy stones and learn how to use them thanks to that technology.
Starting a Crystal Healing Practice at Home
Has the beautiful and diverse crystal healing history convinced you to start your own practice? There are many advantages to bringing the healing arts to your home, and starting your journey is far easier than you may think!
The first and most fundamental question you need to ask yourself is: why? Is there a specific issue that is drawing you to crystal healing? Are you looking for help with love, protection, positivity, etc.?
The answer to this question can help guide you toward the best crystals for your unique needs and goals. If you are interested in crystal healing as a more general practice, there are options for that too. Don’t worry; it isn’t a requirement that you have a specific goal in mind.
Once your answer is clarified, you can start picking out crystals. We have a variety of targeted crystal sets, for instance, that can help you get started without having to worry about picking out specific stones. If you’re looking for a single stone to start, we’d suggest clear quartz as quartz crystals are some of the most multi-use, neutral stones out there.
It isn’t necessary to have any specific areas or tools to start crystal healing, either. Just a quiet space where you can go and focus is enough. Most crystal healing is done during meditation, as we’ll discuss in a moment, or designed to be carried with you and work actively.
Use Meditation To Connect With Your Stones
Before you try crystal healing, you must learn how to connect with your stones. While each stone has documented uses, everyone connects differently with them. What works for you might not be what works for someone else, and figuring that out can be incredibly beneficial.
One of the best ways to do this is by using meditation. In fact, meditation can be a beneficial healing practice all on its own. It helps you to connect more deeply and intimately with your own body and gives you a way to learn how to focus on the present (known as mindfulness).
When you use meditation as a way to connect with your stones, what you’ll be doing is tapping into their specific vibrations. Each stone resonates at its own, unique frequency. When you can “hear” that frequency, it can help you feel out the best use for that stone. Don’t be stuck behind conventional thinking about the stones; follow what feels right for you. There is inherent wisdom in going with your gut.
For this type of meditation, simply sit in your quiet space with your stone. It is best to work with one at a time in each session, with days in between, so that you can take it all in. Hold your stone in your hand and sit in a comfortable position.
Take the time to feel that stone, both physically and mentally. When you’re done, write everything down in a notebook. You may even find you have dreams with more information during this process, which is just one more way our higher-level mind tries to communicate with us.
Crystal Healing Therapy
Once you better understand yourself and the crystals you have chosen to use, it’s time to use them in crystal healing therapy. Crystal healing therapy can address a wide variety of issues and isn’t just meant to help with one specific type of problem (physical or spiritual, for example). Using crystals this way can help you with nearly any problem you can think of, and there are uses catered to all different kinds of healing.
For beginners, a great place to start is with your chakras. The chakra system consists of seven different chakras, or energy centers, positioning up and down the spine. Each chakra is responsible for specific body systems as well as emotional states.
When they are open and functioning appropriately, the areas they control are unlikely to experience issues. However, if they become blocked or cloudy, you may notice problems in those specific areas.
Meditation can be helpful in this regard as well. If you’re experiencing issues, perform a total body scan to help narrow down which (if any) chakras seem to be blocked. Start at the top of your head and scan slowly down, stopping at each chakra. If you’re unfamiliar with where these are, here is a quick overview from the bottom up:
Crystal Healing Therapy
Once you better understand yourself and the crystals you have chosen to use, it’s time to use them in crystal healing therapy. Crystal healing therapy can address a wide variety of issues and isn’t just meant to help with one specific type of problem (physical or spiritual, for example). Using crystals this way can help you with nearly any problem you can think of, and there are uses catered to all different kinds of healing.
For beginners, a great place to start is with your chakras. The chakra system consists of seven different chakras, or energy centers, positioning up and down the spine. Each chakra is responsible for specific body systems as well as emotional states.
When they are open and functioning appropriately, the areas they control are unlikely to experience issues. However, if they become blocked or cloudy, you may notice problems in those specific areas.
Meditation can be helpful in this regard as well. If you’re experiencing issues, perform a total body scan to help narrow down which (if any) chakras seem to be blocked. Start at the top of your head and scan slowly down, stopping at each chakra. If you’re unfamiliar with where these are, here is a quick overview from the bottom up:
- Root chakra: the tailbone
- Sacral chakra: the base of the spine
- Solar plexus chakra: mid-back
- Heart chakra: mid-chest
- Throat chakra: the throat
- Third eye chakra: the middle of the forehead
- Crown chakra: the top of the head
If you identify any blocks or even a chakra that just feels “cloudy,” take the time to try and mentally clear it out. All it takes is to focus on that specific area and envision the chakra as clear and open. If it is thoroughly blocked, it may take more than one session. You can also use stones that correlate to the specific chakra and lay on your back with the stone positioned over the area.
In Summary
Crystal healing history isn’t just present in textbooks. The information documented by our ancestors, no matter what culture or civilization they came from, has been passed down and adjusted to fit our modern practices.
This history is still in use in today’s crystal healing, although our uses for those stones may have changed slightly. However, the power and feeling inherent with crystal healing are just as potent and beneficial as it always has been.
If you’re ready to set out on your own crystal healing path, bluequeencrystal is here to help. We have a wide variety of crystal-based tools and sets, each accessible even for the novice. We’d love to be part of your healing journey!
Meditation: In Depth | NCCIH (
Chakra Basics: Learn What Chakras are and their Energetic Properties | IARP (